Week of October 30 to November 5, 2023 (Public Preview)


Workout Of The Day


3 Sets:
10 Boot Strap Squats
10 Plank Shoulder Taps
10 Jefferson Curls (no load)

3 min EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)
Min 1 :45s @ easy pace (slower than 2km pace)
Min 2 :30s @ 2km pace
Min 3 :15s @ 5-10s faster than 2km pace

A. Row Work
4-5 Sets
500m Row @ 2km pace
Rest 1:00-2:00 min between sets

B. Accessory
DB Prone Row
3 Sets 10-15 reps, heavier than last week
Rest 2:00 min

Coaches Notes:

Working on sustainable high output aerobic work. The rest should be enough that you can keep pace, but feel like a continual effort similar to a 20-30 min tempo run. Which means the intensity should be high but you should not feel like you have to stop.

Modifications: If you do not have a Rower, Bike distance would be 1000m and running would be Run for a 2:00 min window or 400-600m whichever feels the best on you.

Intention: Muscular Endurance and hypertrophy of the upper/mid back.
Target: 15-20 tough unbroken reps with a heavier weight than last week
Feel: Squeezing the scaps (shoulder blades) together at the top and allowing the scaps to protract at the bottom for a good stretch.
Scaling: If you don’t have a bench for the prone row, perform bent-over DB rows.

Workout Of The Day


2 Sets:
30 hip rotations (15 per leg)
20 alternating lunges
15 push ups
10 DB seated good mornings (light)

1-2 sets
6 Alternating single arm DB power clean
4 DB Goblet rack walking lunges
2 Single arm DB push press per arm

A. Weightlifting Battery Work
10 rounds for time:
12 alternating single arm DB power clean
10 DB goblet rack walking lunge
8 single arm DB push press (performed as 4 on one side and then 4 on the other)

B. Accessory
Hollow Hold
5 Sets
:15s hold
:30s Rest

Coaches Notes:

Today we are working on high speed movement with light load and volume. The dumbbell power clean is a variation of an Olympic lift, so we want to focus on driving the movements with our legs, being explosive through the transition, and finishing by pulling the dumbbell into position with the arms. We want to aim for unbroken or one break only per set, so choose your weight accordingly. The suggested load for this workout would be 25-45lbs. Meredith and Alex would use 45lbs for this workout. If you would like to use a barbell for this workout, you will sub in front rack walking lunch steps. Suggested barbell load is 65-95lbs.

Modification: to pull down the intensity you can add a 1:1 rest after each round and really focus on going unbroken and movement mechanics.

Intention: Develop muscular endurance of the hollow position
Target: Unbroken holds while challenging longer hold times
Feel: Flexed abs with low back pressing into the ground

Workout Of The Day


10:00 min ARMRAP @ warm up pace
:30s machine (bike, row or run)
10 yoga push ups (push up into down dog)
2 wall walks + :10s handstand hold on wall*
10 reps pers side single arm db strict press
* If you are new to wall walks, only walk your feet up to where you are comfortable and then hold that position for 10s and walk down

A. Push Up Work
15:00 min AMRAP
MAX push ups
*300m row between sets

B. Accessory
3 sets:
10-15 DB skull crushers
Rest 2:00 min

Coaches Notes:

We are combining push up volume with aerobic work to continue to build capacity in the push up. Make sure the quality of the reps are high. The aerobic work should take ~1:30. Be creative and push your unbroken Max push-up each set.

Modification: Run 200m or Bike 750m

Intention: Tricep hypertrophy and muscle endurance
Target: 15-20 Tough unbroken reps at a heavier weight than last week.
Feel: A strong pump in the triceps

Workout Of The Day

Thursdays are intended to be either a rest day or get out of the gym activity day. In this program our goal is to have you USE your fitness so get out and do something fun with family and/or friends that is active and possibly adventurous.

Did you know that Tactic has a podcast? It’s called The Afternoon Snack and you can listen to it here on Apple Podcasts, or from wherever you listen to your favourite podcasts. This week’s episode feature’s Tactic Nutrition Coach Angie Craig. Together Alex, Meredith and Angie discuss the All-or-Nothing Mindset and its impact on daily life.

Workout Of The Day


3 Sets:
6 per side suitcase KB/DB deadlift (light/moderate weight)
6 per side single arm DB strict press (seated or standing)
12 goblet squats (light/moderate weight)
:30s practicing crossover single under jump rope

1-2 sets
30s bike (easy-moderate effort)
4-6 DB push press (light/workout weight)
6-8 DB gorilla rows (light/workout weight)
Rest as needed

A. For Time
5 Rounds
12/15 cal bike
10 DB push press (20/35)
16 DB gorilla row (20/35)
Rest 1 min between each round

B. Accessory
3 Sets:
12 DB bicep curls
Rest :15s
MAX banded overhead tricep extensions
Rest 2:00 min

Coaches Notes:

Last week was a nice leg burn and aerobic repeat conditioning. This week is a similar structure but the reverse and we focus on upper body conditioning. Keep the dumbbell loads light here. You will use two DBs at a time for the push press and gorilla rows.

Modifications: You can modify the bike to a 400m Run or 12/15 Cal Row or 75 Jump rope *double unders or single unders.

Intention: Muscle hypertrophy for the arms
Target: 12 unbroken tough curls followed by a high rep varied finisher for the triceps
Feel: A good pump in the biceps with a nasty burn in the triceps

Workout Of The Day


8:00 min EMOM
Min 1 – 5 tempo push ups (3s slow descent down) + 5 empty barbell front squats
Min 2 – 5 strict chin ups OR ring rows + 5 pers side squat hold with thoracic rotation
*If no pull up bar or rings, do bent-over rows

1-2 Sets
5 Front Squats (increase load each set, up to workout weight)
100m run (increase pace each set, up to workout effort)
Rest 1:00-2:00m min between sets

A. For Time:
barbell front squats (85/115)
*200m run between each set

B. Accessory
3 Sets:
8-10/leg DB bulgarian split squat
Rest 1 min between legs

Coaches Notes:

Today is a high intensity leg smoker. Choose a weight that you MIGHT have to break in the sets of 15 & 12 to get a good strength workout today. Push the pace on the run and see if you can really burn this one up. The workout will start and finish with the front squats.

The suggested load for this workout is 85/115 lbs. Meredith and Alex would use 85lbs for this workout. If you would like to use dumbbells for this workout, you will sub in front rack db squats. Suggested db load is 30/45lbs. If you want to spice things up try a sand bag in the bear hug position. If you can’t run for this workout you can row 250m, bike 400m or complete 1:00 min of skipping, jumping jacks or burpees.

Intention: Develop single leg muscle endurance and work on possible imbalances.
Target: 8-10 tough unbroken reps with more volume than the previous week
Feel: A nice all around leg and glute pump.

Workout Of The Day

Sundays are intended to be either a rest day or get out of the gym activity day. In this program our goal is to have you USE your fitness so get out and do something fun with family and/or friends that is active and possibly adventurous.