Sample Week of Programming


Workout Of The Day

2 minutes run/row/bike/jumping jacks/cardio @easy pace
10 Bootstrap Squats
10 Alternating Lunge with Rotation
10 Leg Swings Each Direction
10 DB Romanian Deadlift (light)

A. EMOM x 5 minutes:
20-30 seconds work: Lateral Jumps

Example of Meredith’s warm up for back squat up to working weight:
8 reps empty bar
6 reps @50% of working weight
4 reps @70% of working weight
4 reps @80% of working weight
2 reps @90% of working weight
rest 30-60 seconds between weights

B. Back Squat, 8 reps x 3 sets @ RPE 8/10
rest 2-3 minutes between sets

C. Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift, 8-12 reps @20X1 x 2 sets
rest 1-2 minutes between sets

D. 5 sets:
30 seconds AMRAP DB Box Step Overs
30 seconds rest
30 seconds AMRAP Wall Balls or DB Thrusters
30 seconds rest
30 seconds Plank Hold
30 seconds rest

Scaled/Limited Equipment

2 minutes run/row/bike/jumping jacks/cardio @easy pace
10 Bootstrap Squats
10 Alternating Lunge with Rotation
10 Leg Swings Each Direction
10 DB Romanian Deadlift (light)

A. EMOM x 5 minutes:
20-30 seconds work: Lateral Jumps

Meredith example warm up for back squat working weight


B. DB Front Squat, 8 reps x 3 sets*
rest 2-3 minutes between sets
* either use a challenging weight OR use a challenging tempo – find a way to make these tough for you

C. Dual DB Romanian Deadlift, 8 reps @20X1 x 2 sets
rest 1-2 minutes between sets

D. 5 sets:
30 seconds work DB Forward Lunge
30 seconds rest
30 seconds work DB Thrusters or Air Squats
30 seconds rest
30 seconds Plank Hold
30 seconds rest

Coaches Notes

A. This is to practice and learn how to do lateral jumps. These are great for coordination and balance. If you are new to these, shorten the jump distance to remain in control and balanced.

Watch the daily video to learn more about how Meredith warms up to her working weight for the back squat.

B. For the back squats this week we are looking for 8 tough reps for 3 sets. Aim for an RPE 8/10. To help brace your core, take a deep belly breath and hold it for the descent of each squat, as you near standing the weight up, then exhale. Inhale and hold again before starting the next rep. For the scaled/limited equipment option, use a weight or tempo to make these squats challenging, also aim for an RPE of 8/10. If you are newer to squatting, instead of adding loading you can slow each rep (use a tempo for the descent) and really focus on squatting with the best mechanics you can. This will be the safest way to challenge yourself.

C. The snatch grip Romanian deadlift (RDL) will require a wide grip. The same grip on the barbell as you would use for a snatch or overhead squat. This grip is more taxing on delts and biceps and is really great for lat and pulling development. With the RDL (Bar and DB) we want to keep the bar (or DBs) close to your body, push your hips back to stay balanced. Keep knees relatively straight but not locked out, they should be stacked either above or slightly behind your ankles. The range of motion will vary per person. You should feel this lift the most in your hamstrings. It is your hamstring flexibility that will limit your range of motion. Although a deadlift, it won’t take much loading to be challenging. 

D. Set your clocks, it’s time to get some reps in. Work hard to get as many reps as possible in the 30 seconds and push yourself to hold the plank. For scaled, focus on steady movement, the goal is to keep moving for the full 30 seconds, so find a pace that allows you to do so. Remember to keep breathing. During the rest periods, try and slow your heart rate by controlling your breath, purposely take deep, long inhales and even longer exhales.


Workout Of The Day

2 minutes run/row/bike/jumping jacks/cardio @easy pace
6 minute AMRAP @ easy pace
8 Inchworm + Push-Ups
8 Jumping Air Squats
4 KB/DB Windmill left – light
4 KB/DB Single Arm Push Press left – light
4 KB/DB Windmill right – light
4 KB/DB Single Arm Push Press right – light

A. 3 sets:
Single Arm DB Push Press @40X1 AMRAP Left Arm
Rest 1 minute
Single Arm DB Push Press @40X1 AMRAP Right Arm
Rest 1 minute

B. 3 sets:
Shoulder Press x 8 reps @ RPE 8/10
Rest 30 seconds
Strict Negative Pull-Up x 3-5 reps
Rest 2 minutes

C. For time:
200m run
2 Wall Walks
400m run
4 Wall Walks
600m run
6 Wall Walks
800m run
8 Wall Walks

D. 3 sets:
DB Lateral Raises x 10-15 reps
DB Front Raise x 10-15 reps
Rest as needed between sets

Scaled/Limited Equipment

2 minutes run/row/bike/jumping jacks/cardio @easy pace
6 minute AMRAP @ easy pace
8 Inchworm + Push-Ups
8 Jumping Air Squats
4 KB/DB Windmill left – light
4 KB/DB Single Arm Push Press left – light
4 KB/DB Windmill right – light
4 KB/DB Single Arm Push Press right – light

A. 3 sets:
Single Arm DB Push Press @40X1 AMRAP Left Arm
Rest 1 minute
Single Arm DB Push Press @40X1 AMRAP Right Arm
Rest 1 minute

B. 3 sets:
DB Shoulder Press x 8 reps @ RPE 8/10
Rest 30 seconds
Bent Over DB Row @40X1 x 3-5 reps
Rest 2 minutes

C. 10 minute AMRAP:
200m run
8 Push-Ups or Incline Push Up
20-30 seconds Front Leaning Rest (straight arm plank)

D. 3 sets:
DB Lateral Raises x 10-15 reps
DB Front Raise x 10-15 reps
Rest as needed between sets

Coaches Notes

A. Choose a weight that will be tough. The target number of reps here is 6-8. When we are doing an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) with a tempo, the AMRAP ends when you are unable to maintain the tempo, not when you are unable to do the lift. So for today, you are done when you can no longer control the DB through a 4 second descent (from the DB in the overhead position coming down to the top of your shoulder). If you do not have DBs that are heavy enough, cap each set at 10 reps.

B. Your shoulders should be plenty warm now, and likely a bit fatigued. So don’t be surprised if the strict press feels harder this week, even though it is only 8 reps. There is no prescribed tempo for these reps. With the strict negative pull ups, we are looking to have control through the full descent. Use a box to start each rep with your chin over the bar. If you can’t maintain control for the descent, use the feet assisted method coach Jackie demonstrates in the private Facebook group. Challenge yourself here only on the way down, start the rep from standing tall.
For scaled, we are going to do bent over DB rows with a tempo. In the set up position, your shoulders should be well in front of your toes. To do this keep your legs relatively straight, send the hips way back and drop that chest so that it is close to parallel to the floor. The 4 second tempo will be from the DBs touching your side down to your arms being fully extended. We then want you to pull the DBs back up to your side quickly.

C. 2-4-6-8 who do you appreciate? Anyone else remember this cheer and immediately think of it when you see those numbers? The optimists will see that as the number of wall walks increases, so too does the time between your next set of wall walks. Run with a nice and relaxed upper body to help your shoulders recover as you go. Only walk up the wall as far as you are comfortable. As the workout goes on and you get tired, hold yourself to the same movement quality and standard. If this means you need to take time to rest, do so.
Scaled version – the front leaning rest is going to get hard. Break the push ups into small sets. Try doing 3 reps, rest 10-20 seconds, 3 reps, rest 10-23 seconds, then 1 rep and then from the top of the push up start your front leaning rest hold. While the run is short, use this time to shake the arms out.

D. If you can still lift your arms up, then give this section a go. It won’t take much weight at all to make these tough. Heck, after part A, B, and C you may find it challenging enough to do this unweighted. Remember with these raises we are looking to keep those shoulder blades down and back (try to put them in the back pocket of your pants).


Workout Of The Day

2 minutes run/row/bike/jumping jacks/cardio @easy pace
4 minute AMRAP @ easy:
5 KB Swings
5 Box Jumps
5 Air Squats
15 Double Unders/Single Unders

Clean Barbell/PVC Warm Up Series
5 reps each of the following movements:
– Clean Deadlift
– Clean Deadlift + Shrug
– Clean Pull
– Muscle Clean
– Power Clean
– Squat Clean

A. For Time:
800m run / 1000m row
3 sets:
10 Deadlift 95/65
8 Hang Power Clean 95/65
6 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65
800m run / 1000m row
4 sets:
12 Toes to Bar or Sit Ups
12 Box Jumps 24/20
800m run / 1000m row
5 sets:
15 Air Squats
30 Double Unders/Single Unders/ Crossover Single Unders
800m run / 1000m row

Scaled/Limited Equipment

2 minutes run/row/bike/jumping jacks/cardio @easy pace
4 minute AMRAP @ easy:
5 KB Swings or DB Swings
5 Box Jumps
5 Air Squats
15 Double Unders/Single Unders/Penguin Jumps

Clean Barbell/PVC Warm Up Series
5 reps each of the following movements:
– Clean Deadlift
– Clean Deadlift + Shrug
– Clean Pull
– Muscle Clean
– Power Clean
– Squat Clean

20-30 minute AMRAP:
400m run/500m row
2 sets:
10 DB Deadlift
8 DB Hang Power Clean
6 DB Push Press
400m run/500m row
2 sets:
12 Sit Ups
12 Alternating Step Back Lunge
400m run/500m row
2 sets:
15 Air Squats
30 Single Unders/Penguin Jumps

Coaches Notes

Today’s work capacity Wednesday is a mega workout. There are 3 different workouts sandwiched between some cardio. Focus on your pacing and quality of movement. The weight you choose for the deadlift, hang power clean, shoulder to overhead complex should be light enough that you can do 1 full round unbroken. Remember with the shoulder to overhead you can choose to do a push press or push jerk. Scale the weight and movements as needed. For scaled/ limited equipment, you are doing a similar format but in an AMRAP setting. If you get through the 2 sets of air squats and single unders before 20 or 30 minutes (whichever length you choose), go back to the beginning of the workout. So you will then do another run/row into 2 sets of the DB complex. If you don’t make it all the way through the workout in the time frame, that’s ok!

For those with limited space and no rower or bike do 2:00 minutes of:
30 seconds run in place
30 seconds jumping jacks


Workout Of The Day

Thursdays are intended to be either a rest day or get out of the gym activity day. In this program our goal is to have you USE your fitness so get out and do something fun with family and/or friends that is active and possibly adventurous.

Did you know that Tactic has a podcast? It’s called The Afternoon Snack and you can listen to it here on Apple Podcasts, or from wherever you listen to your favourite podcasts. This week’s episode is part 2 of Alex and Meredith’s favourite experiences from their weekend in Riveria Maya, Mexico at the Girls Just Wanna Weekend with Brandi Carlile.

Workout Of The Day

2 minutes run/row/bike/jumping jacks/cardio @easy pace
2 sets:
8 Inchworm + Push-Up
8 Cherry Pickers
8 Single Leg Cross Body DB Romanian DeadliftLeft (light)
8 Single Leg Cross Body DB Romanian Deadlift –  Right (light)
8 Alternating Deep Lunge with Rotation

Clean Barbell/PVC Warm Up Series
5 reps each of the following movements:
– Clean Deadlift
– Clean Deadlift + Shrug
– Clean Pull
– Muscle Clean
– Power Clean
– Squat Clean

A. 3 sets:
Hip Airplane Left – 30-60 seconds
Hip Airplane Right – 30-60 seconds
Rest as needed between sides

B. Every 2 minutes x 5 sets:
Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat

C. Deadlift 8 reps @11X1 x 3 sets @ RPE 8/10
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

D. For Time:
60 Thrusters 95/65
*At the top of every minute including the first minute, perform 5 burpees

E. EMOM x 8
1 – 4-6 Single Arm Bent Over DB Rows – Left @40X1
2 – 4-6 Single Arm Bent Over DB Rows – Right @40X1

Scaled/Limited Equipment

2 minutes run/row/bike/jumping jacks/cardio @easy pace
2 sets:
8 Inchworm + Push-Up
8 Cherry Pickers
8 Single Leg Cross Body DB Romanian Deadlift – Left (light)
8 Single Leg Cross Body DB Romanian Deadlift –  Right (light)
8 Alternating Deep Lunge with Rotation

Clean Barbell/PVC Warm Up Series
5 reps each of the following movements:
– Clean Deadlift
– Clean Deadlift + Shrug
– Clean Pull
– Muscle Clean
– Power Clean
– Squat Clean

A. 3 sets:
Hip Airplane Left – 30-60 seconds
Hip Airplane Right – 30-60 seconds
Rest as needed between sides

B. Every 2 minutes x 5 sets:
2 DB Power Clean + 2 DB Hang Power Clean + 2 DB Front Squat

C. DB Deadlift 8 reps @11X1 x 3 sets
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

D. 6 sets:
8 DB Thrusters
4 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds

E. EMOM x 8
1 – 4-6 Single Arm Bent Over DB Rows – Left @40X1
2 – 4-6 Single Arm Bent Over DB Rows – Right @40X1

Coaches Notes

A. The Hip Airplane is great for mobility and for balance. Consider this part to be practice and be ok with how challenging this is. If needed, use a rack or wall for extra support but try to balance on your own if possible.

B. Choose your own adventure with power or squat cleans and loading. If you did power cleans last week, perhaps try adding in squat cleans or vice versa. Even if this means doing so at a lower RPE. Taking the time to do things well will pay dividends in the long run. Whichever route you choose, don’t work heavier than 8/10, we are not looking to max out today.
Limited equipment option – Focus on ‘catching’ or ‘receiving’ the clean in a true power position. Weight should be in your heels with your hips in a partial squat when the DBs land at your shoulder. Try to mimic a similar position as if you were about to jump up on a box. 

C. This week with the deadlift build to a tough 8 reps (RPE 8/10). There should be no failed lifts here, it is not a max. The weight should be the same or very similar for all 3 working sets. The 11X1 tempo means you will reset between each rep, so no touch and go reps here. Use the reset between each rep to re-engage your lats and ensure your body weight is in your heels. Remember form is more important than intensity (load lifted). For scaled/limited equipment if you are limited by the weight you have available, add a 2-3 second tampo on the descent of the lift. 

D. This workout is going to bring the heat!
Workout Flow: at 00:00 do 5 burpees and then in the remainder of the first minute accumulate as many thrusters reps as you can. At the 1:00 minute mark, stop doing thrusters and do another set of 5 burpees, then return to accumulating thrusters until the 2:00 minute mark. You will repeat that pattern until you have reached 60 thrusters total. Yikes! Cap yourself at 12 minutes if you have not reached the 60 reps. The weight you choose to use for the thruster should be light enough that when fresh you could do 12-15 reps unbroken. If you cannot consistently do 5 burpees (even with fatigue) under 30 seconds, consider doing the scaled version. With the scaled version you are performing a fixed number of sets with built in rest. You can push yourself here, move with purpose. The 30 seconds rest will fly by so make sure you are paying attention to the clock.

E. Only do this if you have the time and if you’ve come back from the dead from part D. The 4 second tempo starts when the DB is at your side. Take 4 seconds to lower the DB to extension. It is important to honour the tempo here.


Workout Of The Day

A. 200m run/row @EZ pace
2 Turkish Get Up Left – light/moderate
30 seconds Left Side Farmer’s Carry/Hold – light/moderate
30 seconds slow alternating Bear Knee Taps
200m run/row @EZ pace
2 Turkish Get Up Right – light/moderate
30 seconds Right Side Farmer’s Carry/Hold – light/moderate
30 seconds slow alternating bear knee taps 

B. 2 rounds with a partner:
400m run
200ft Farmer’s Carry (1 minute Farmer’s March)
400m run
200ft Front Rack Carry (1 minute Front Rack March)
400m run
200ft Overhead Carry (1 minute Overhead March)

One person runs while the other holds/carries. One person starts on the run and the other on the carries/holds. If you complete the carry or run before your partner is back, rest the remaining time. 

Solo Option:
2 rounds for time:
400m run
200ft Farmer’s Carry
rest 1 minute
400m run
200ft Front Rack Carry
rest 1 minute
400m run
200ft Overhead Carry
rest 1 minute

Scaled/Limited Equipment

A. 200m run/row @EZ pace
2 Turkish Get Up Left – light/moderate
30 seconds Left Side Farmer’s Carry/Hold – light/moderate
30 seconds slow alternating Bear Knee Taps
200m run/row @EZ pace
2 Turkish Get Up Right – light/moderate
30 seconds Right Side Farmer’s Carry/Hold – light/moderate
30 seconds slow alternating bear knee taps 

B. 2 rounds with a partner:
200m run
100ft Farmer’s Carry (30 seconds Farmer March)
200m run
100ft Front Rack Carry (30 seconds Front Rack March)
200m run
100ft Overhead Carry (30 seconds Overhead March)

One person runs while the other holds/carries. One person starts on the run and the other on the carries/holds. If you complete the carry or run before your partner is back, rest the remaining time. 

Solo Option:
2 rounds for time:
200m run
100ft Farmer’s Carry
rest 1 minute
200m run
100ft Front Rack Carry
rest 1 minute
200m run
100ft Overhead Carry
rest 1 minute

Coaches Notes

A. This is part warm up, part skill work with the turkish get ups.

B. Teamwork makes the dreams work! Work as heavy as you can for the carries, you can take breaks if you need to. The distance does not need to be completed unbroken. *Note the runs are measured in meters, while the carries are measured in feet. If you do not have space for carries, you will do 1 minute of marching in place instead. If you break, the clock pauses. For the carries, you can use KB or DB. For the overhead carry – you can use KB/DB or do an overhead plate carry (which will be easier). If you are doing scaled, the distances are cut in half. If you don’t have DBs/KBs that feel heavy enough for the carries, feel free to use loaded backpacks, water jugs, or other household items that provide a more challenging load. And if you do this option, make sure you tag us on IG…. We love to see that! If you are subbing the running and have the option to bike vs row, choose the bike today (machine conversion chart).


Workout Of The Day

Sundays are intended to be either a rest day or get out of the gym activity day. In this program our goal is to have you USE your fitness so get out and do something fun with family and/or friends that is active and possibly adventurous.

This week you can join Meg do a knee and ankle mobility session.